Mole Removal
A mole is a common growth on the skin. Most adults have a type of mole called a common mole. Most moles do not require any treatment, but there are a few reasons you or your doctor might consider mole removal.
- The mole is bothersome to you (rubs clothing, etc.)
- You dislike the appearance of the mole
- The mole could be cancerous
A mole can be easily removed during an office visit using one of the following methods:
- Surgical shave: The area is numbed and then a surgical blade is used to remove the mole
- Surgical excision: The entire mole is cut out and the surrounding skin is sewn together. If the doctor is suspicious there may be an issue with the mole, it will be sent to the lab to be examined under a microscope.
Never try to remove your own mole. Here are just some of the reasons this is a bad idea:
- If the mole is cancerous, some cancer cells could stay in the skin and even spread
- You might scar or disfigure your skin
- You could cause an infection